Europoslanec Martin Hojsík. PHOTO: © European Union-EP.

Desiatky európskych politických a ekonomických lídrov sa spojili do iniciatívy za zelenú obnovu Európy

Iniciatíva skupiny liberálnych poslancov Európskeho parlamentu vrátane Martina Hojsíka z Progresívneho Slovenska, spojila 180 politických aktérov, biznis lídrov, odborových zväzov, mimovládnych organizácií a think-tankov, a spoločne vytvorili Európsku alianciu pre zelenú obnovu.

Korona kríza, najväčšia výzva, ktorej kedy Európa čelila v čase mieru, má ničivé následky a predstavuje väčší šok pre hospodárstvo, ako kríza v roku 2008. Ministri z 11 krajín, 79 poslancov Európskeho parlamentu zo 17 členských štátov, 37 riaditeľov nadnárodných firiem, a 28 podnikových združení zastupujúcich desať rôznych sektorov, odborová konfederácia zastupujúca členov z 90 národných odborových organizácii a 10 odborových zväzov, 7 medzinárodných mimovládnych organizácií a 6 think-tankov sa vo svetle tejto krízy zaviazali k spolupráci pri vytváraní, podpore a implementácii riešení, aby pripravili naše ekonomiky na budúcnosť.

„Ide o prvú celoeurópsku iniciatívu svojho druhu. Jej cieľom je naštartovať zelené investície potrebné na prekonanie súčasných kríz a bude slúžiť na vypracovanie plánov zelenej obnovy a transformácie v celej Európskej únii a jednotlivých členských štátoch. Ako základný pilier hospodárskej stratégie si Aliancia vytýčila ochranu biodiverzity a boj proti klimatickej zmene,“ uvádzajú signatári Európskej aliancie pre zelenú obnovu.

„Sme presvedčení, že obnova hospodárstva nastane iba pri rozsiahlych investíciách do ochrany a vytvárania pracovných miest a podpory všetkých podnikov, regiónov a odvetví, ktoré boli poškodené náhlym zastavením ekonomiky. Aliancia sa zaviazala, že sa bude podieľať na investičných rozhodnutiach pre obdobie po kríze, ktoré budú potrebné na naštartovanie a posilnenie našej ekonomiky,“ píšu ďalej lídri za zelenú obnovu.

„Potrebujeme reálne riešenia, nielen znovu rozbehnúť ekonomiku po korone, ale aj znížiť naše dopady na klímu a prírodu tak, aby z toho mal prospech každý. Modernizácia priemyslu, masívne investície do zvyšovania energetickej efektívnosti, predovšetkým budov, rozvoj bezemisnej verejnej hromadnej dopravy a cyklodopravy, adaptačné opatrenia na zmenu klímy, prírode blízke poľnohospodárstvo, prechod na cirkulárnu ekonomiku a samozrejme energetika postavená na obnoviteľných zdrojoch. O tom všetkom je Zelená obnova. Využitie verejných zdrojov preto musíme posudzovať aj z pohľadu dopadu na zmierňovanie, ako aj adaptáciu na zmenu klímy. Musí to byť o práci a prospechu pre všetkých a nie o zisku pre zopár vyvolených,“ doplnil poslanec Európskeho parlamentu Martin Hojsík z Progresívneho Slovenska.

„Klimatická kríza a ničenie našej prírody kvôli koronavírusu nezmiznú. Pripravme a zrealizujme také opatrenia, ktoré nám pomôžu prekonať obe krízy súčasne. Aliancia sa zaväzuje, že oba tieto zápasy bude viesť paralelne a je rozhodnutá v nich zvíťaziť. Spolu sme silnejší,“ uzavrelo 180 lídrov za zelenú obnovu.

Signatári (v abecednom poradí):

Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO, L’Oreal; Alviina Alametsa, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Enzo Amendola, Italian Minister for European Affairs; Eric Andrieu, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Wolfgang Anzengruber, CEO Verbund; Ester Asin, Director of WWF European Policy Office; Margrete Auken, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Fabrice Barthélémy CEO Tarkett; Philippe Bastien, President of Glass Europe; Julie Beaufils, Secretary General of EuropeOn, Laurent Berger, ETUC President; Marcel Bial, Secretary General of European Solar Thermal Electricity Association; Stéphane Bijoux, MEP, Renew Europe; Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, MEP, Renew Europe; Michael Bloss, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Per Bolund, Swedish Minister for Financial Markets and Housing; Simona Bonafe, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of Eurocities; Elisabeth Borne, French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Biljana Borzan, Vice-President of the S&D Group at the European Parliament; Gilles Boyer, MEP, Quaestor and Member of the Bureau for Renew Europe; Tim Brett, President The Coca Cola Company’s Western Europe Business Unit; Jesper Brodin, CEO INGKA group – Ikea; Ariel Brunner, Birdlife; Klaus Buchner, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Delara Buckhardt, MEP, S&D; Bertrand Camus, CEO Suez group; Pascal Canfin, MEP, Chair of the Environment Committee, Renew Europe; Ignazio Capuano, Chairman of Cepi (Confédération of European Paper Industries); Anna Cavazzini, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Catherine Chabaud, MEP, Renew Europe; Mohamed Chahim, MEP, S&D; Olivier Chastel, MEP, Renew Europe; Niels B. Christiansen, CEO The LEGO Group; Ilana Cicurel, MEP, Renew Europe; Dacian Ciolos, MEP, President of Renew Europe; Sergio Costa, Italian Minister of the Environment; Katalin Cseh, MEP, Vice-President of Renew Europe; Miriam Dalli, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Johan Danielsson, MEP, Coordinator in the Transport Committee, S&D; Paolo De Castro, MEP, Coordinator in the Agriculture Committee, S&D; Pierre- André de Chalendar, CEO, Saint Gobain; Petra de Sutter, MEP, Chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Greens/EFA; Dimitri de Vreeze, Co-CEO and Member of the Managing Board of Royal DSM; Pascal Demurger, CEO of MAIF; Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg Minister of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development; Gilles Disckson, CEO of WindEurope; Sandrine Dixson Declève, Club of Rome; Pascal Durand, MEP, Renew Europe; Bas Eickhout, MEP, Vice-President & Coordinator in the Environment Committee, Greens/ EFA; Ismail Ertug, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Emmanuel Faber, CEO, Danone; Laurence Farreng, MEP, Renew Europe; Franz Fayot, Luxembourg Minister of Economy, Cooperation and humanitarian Aid; Fredrik Federley, MEP, Vice-President of Renew Europe; Joao Pedro Matos Fernandes, Portuguese Minister of the Environment and Energy Transition; Jonas Fernandez Alvarez, MEP, Coordinator in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, S&D; Martin Forsen, President of EHPA; Monica Frassoni, President of European Alliance to Save Energy; Helen Fritzon, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Ignacio Galán, Chairman and CEO Iberdrola; Iratxe Garcia Pérez, MEP, President of the S&D Group; LeonoreGewessler, Austrian Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology; Michel Giannuzzi, CEO Verallia; Sven Giegold, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Seth Ginther, Executive Director of USIPA; Sandro Gozi, MEP, Renew Europe; Patrick G r a i c h e n , D i r e c t o r A g o r a Energiewende; Pierre Gramegna, Luxembourg Minister for Finance; Christophe Grudler, MEP, Renew Europe; Marc Grynberg, CEO at Umicore; Bernard Guetta, MEP, Renew Europe; Jytte Guteland, MEP, Coordinator in the Environment Committee, S&D; Lars Hanseid, CEO 3M EMEA; Bjorn Haugland, CEO of Skift Business Climate Leaders; Martin Häusling, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Valérie Hayer, MEP, Renew Europe; Eero Heinaluoma, MEP, S&D; Helena Helmersson, CEO H&M Group; Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO at Solar Power Europe; Christel Heydemann, CEO, Schneider Electric; Martin Hojsik, MEP, Renew Europe; Pär Holmgren, MEP, Greens/EFA; Peter Hug, Managing Director of European Building Automation and Control Association; Sophie In’t Veld, MEP, Renew Europe; Yannick Jadot, MEP, Greens/EFA; Agnes Jongerius, MEP, Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, S&D; Alan Jope, CEO, Unilever; Dan Jorgensen, Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities; Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General at Bioenergy Europe; Adrian Joyce, Secretary General of the European Alliance of Company for Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Radan Kanev, MEP, EPP; Pierre Karleskind, MEP, President of the Fisheries Committee, Renew Europe; Fabienne Keller, MEP, Renew Europe; Ska Keller, MEP, Co-President of the of the Greens/EFA; John Keppler, CEO Enviva; Jouni Keronen, CEO of Climate Leadership Coalition; Werner Kogler, Vice-chancellor of Austria; Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, MEP, S&D; Philippe Lamberts, MEP Co-President of the of the Greens/EFA; Pascal Lamy, Honorary President of the Jacques Delors Institute; Benoit Leguet, Managing Director of I4CE; Nathalie Loiseau, MEP, Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Renew Europe; Torbjörn Lööf, CEO Inter IKEA Group; Isabella Lövin, Swedish Minister for Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister; Martin Lundstedt, CEO Volvo Group; Géraldine Matchett, Co-CEO and Member of the Managing Board of Royal DSM; Karen Melchior, MEP, Renew Europe; Dr Maria Mendiluce, Interim CEO at We Mean Business; Tilly Metz, MEP, Greens/ EFA; António Mexia, CEO EDP; Iskra Mihaylova, MEP, Vice-President of Renew Europe; Krista M i k k o n e n , Finnish Minister for Environment and Climate; Nick Molho, Executive Director of Aldersgate group; Sabine Nallinger, Managing Director of Foundation 2° – German CEOs for Climate Protection; Emma Navarro, Vice-president of the European Investment Bank; Dan Nica, MEP, Coordinator in the Industry Committee, S&D; Dr. Kai Niebert, President Deutscher Naturschutzring; Ville Niinistö, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Grace O’Sullivan, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Mari Pantsar, Director of SITRA; Jutta Paulus, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Diego Pavas, CEO InnoEnergy; ThierryPech, Managing Director, Terra Nova; Arturo Pérez de Lucia, Director General AEDIVE; Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Morten Petersen, MEP, Vice-Chair of the Industry Committee, Renew Europe; Sirpa Pietikainen MEP, EPP; Kati Piri, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D Group; Rovana Plumb, MEP, Vice- President of the S&D Group; Brune Poirson, French Secretary of State, attached to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition; Paul Polman, Former CEO Unilever; Silviu Popovici, CEO PepsciCo Europe; Teresa Ribera, Vice President of the Spanish Government – Minister for the Ecological Transition and Demographic challenge; Dominique Riquet, MEP, Vice-President of Renew Europe; Michèle Rivasi, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Soraya Rodriguez Ramos, MEP, Renew Europe; Federica Sabbati, Secretary General of European Heating Industry; Mark Schneider, CEO Nestlé; Svenja Schulze, German Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety; Stéphane Séjourné, MEP, Renew Europe; Brad Smith, President of Microsoft; Jean- Dominique Senard, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Renault group; Sylwia Spurek , M E P , S&D; Francisco Starace, CEO ENEL; Markus Steilemann, CEO Covestro; Ana Struna Bregar, CEO of Center of Energy Efficient Solutions; Jan Te Bos, Director General of the European Insulation Manufacturers Association; Steven Tebbe, Managing Director of CDP Europe; Dr Johannes Teyssen, CEO, E.ON SE; Frauke Thies, Executive Director of SmartEn; William Todts, Executive Director of Transport & Environment; Irène Tolleret, MEP, Renew Europe; Nils Torvalds, MEP, Coordinator in the Environment Committee, Renew Europe; Costas Travasaros, President of Solar Heat Europe; Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, MEP, Renew Europe; Trio Wendel, Director of CAN Europe; Laurence Tubiana, President of the European Climate Foundation; Claude Turmes, Luxembourg Minister for Energy and Spatial planning; Frank van der Vloed, CEO Signify Europe; Peter Vanacker, CEO Neste; Philippe Vangeel, Secretary General of AVERE; Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, MEP, Renew Europe; Jean-Marc Vilon, Chairman of Association Française des Sociétés financières; Juan Virgilio Marquez, Associacion Eolica Espanola; Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary; Ludovic Voet, ETUC Confederal Secretary; Andrea Voigt, Director General of European Partnership for Energy and Environment; Emmanuelle Wargon, French Secretary of State, attached to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition; Jayson W a r n e r , Z o n e President – Europe, Anheuser-Busch InBev; Jeremy Wates, Secretary General fo the European Environmental Bureau; Claire Waysand,Executive Vice President and General Secretary of ENGIE ; Pernille Weiss, MEP, EPP; Eliot Whittington, Director of Corporate Leaders Group; Sarah Wiener, MEP, Greens/ EFA; Michal Wiezik, MEP, EPP; Tiemo Wolken, MEP, S&D; Stephanie Yon Courtin, MEP, Renew Europe; Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, MEP, Renew Europe; Carlos Zorrinho, MEP, S&D.

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